How to be Amelia

12:46 PM

I am not a planner when I paint. I draw a quick outline and let the paint guide me. A slip of the brush created freckles that were not originally intended to exist. The water and paint swirled and mixed as my brush followed path unknown. Several hours later I had Amelia. 

Why Amelia? It was all I could think as I looked at this new person I had created on paper. 
She is feisty and brave with freckles she will not hide. 
I thought of Amelia the pilot, Amelia the explorer. 
I thought of flying.
I thought of using the wind to carry you instead of letting it knock you over. 

There are events in life that are like wind. Sometimes that wind knocks you down and you have to start over. Sometimes it carries you to a different path and sometimes you have to stand strong and let it push you as hard as it can but you will not bend, you will not break. When I painted Amelia I was experiencing the wind the pushes. It was hard, I was angry but I also felt brave and determined and I think a little of that transferred to the painting.

The recent months have had some unexpected storms and I was reminded of this painting. Because I know I can be brave. I know I can be Amelia. 

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